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The Earl Shaffer Foundation is part of a wonderful community of organizations that advocates for conservation of the environment, particularly along the Appalachian Trail, and celebrates the legacy and culture of long-distance hiking. ​
Organizations we support:​
Appalachian Trail Conservancy - the organization responsible for management of the AT​
Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association (ALDHA) - ​a grassroots organization of AT hikers​​
Appalachian Trail Museum - an organization devoted to archiving and presenting the history of the AT
American Hiking Society - a national organization dedicated to serving hikers and protecting hiking trails
Benton MacKaye Trail Association - a 290-mile southern trail named for the founder of the Appalachian Trail
Florida Trail Association - a non-profit hiking group building and maintaining the 1400-mile long Florida National Scenic Trail
Georgia Pinhoti Trail Association - the trail which will eventually connect the Alabama Pinhoti Trail to the Appalachian Trail via the Benton MacKaye Trail
International Appalachian Trail - Considered by Earl to be a side trail of the AT, it extends the footpath north from Katahdin in Maine to Cap Gaspe, Quebec and north of the St. Lawrence to Belle Isle in Newfoundland
National Park Service - charged with the trust of preserving the natural resources of America, and a partner of the ATC
North Country Trail Association - a grassroots organization building a 4600 mile long hiking trail from New York to North Dakota
The Wilderness Society - protecting America's Wilderness since 1935 through the potent combination of science, advocacy, and education
Organizations that Earl was involved in during his life:​
Appalachian Mountain Club - the oldest outdoor group in the United States
Conservation Society of York County - maintenance of the over 4000 acres of York County Parks
Keystone Trails Association - the statewide voice of Pennsylvania's hikers
Pennsylvania State University Forestry School - a program of practical education which Earl supported
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club - a volunteer organization maintaining trails in the Washington D.C. area, founded in 1927
Sierra Club - American environmental organization founded in 1892 by John Muir
Susquehanna Appalachian Trail Club - a volunteer organization maintaining a section of the AT in Pennsylvania, including 20 miles of trail and the Peters Mountain shelter
York Audubon Society - conservation and education-minded society based in York, Pennsylvania
York Hiking Club - formed in 1932 by a group of hiking and outdoor enthusiasts, the club maintains a section of the Appalachian Trail
Events the ESF often participates in:
The Gathering - a large and exciting celebration of backpacking held by ALDHA each Columbus Day weekend
Northern Ruck (formerly PA Ruck) - spirited annual gathering of hikers and ALDHA members held in late January
Southern Ruck - hikers get together on MLK weekend each year
Trail Days - annual event in May celebrating hikers in Damascus, Virginia, "The Friendliest Town on the Trail"
Trail Fest - annual celebration in Hot Springs, North Carolina each April
Community writings and projects that highlight Earl's work:​
Katahdin Art Project - a beautiful way to support the Appalachian Trail
"The Crazy One" - former thru-hiker Sloetoe's eloquent remembrance of Earl
Online communities by long-distance hikers of the AT and other trails:
Backcountry - gateway to forums on many of America's National Scenic Trails
Outdoors Generations - general guides to backpacking, Nordic walking, and camping
Trail Journals - chronicles the adventures of more than a thousand hikers on the AT and other trails
The Trek - a collection of forums, articles, and tips for hikers of long-distance trails in the U.S.